I had an unexpected but amazing card reading with Katie a few weeks ago. It was truly an amazing work of art. I was immediately intrigued as she pulled my card of how much it truly related to my spirit and emotions at that time. I recently lost my mother and have been coping with the grieving process that Katie was able to read within me. Katie had such a calm, warm, and worldly demeanor that I immediately felt comfortable and at ease with her. Katie was able to channel my mom's spirit and express things that I had not even told her, which immediately brought tears to my eyes because I truly felt the connection during my reading. Katie brought so much relief and closure to me during this reading. My reading helped me to understand what I needed to do to bring myself peace with the loss of my mom and how to release my emotions. It truly felt so amazing to feel like I was able to connect with my mom for the first time since she passed. I can't thank Katie enough for helping me. I would 100% recommend Katie if you are looking to have a reading done, she was so thoroughly accurate and precise. You won't be disappointed! 


 I have been digging into finding myself and learning more about my traumas, reading books or quotes in social media was a good starting point. But I couldn't understand what I was missing. Katie is a wonderful, gifted soul, always open to offer help, guidance and support. One day after explaining her desires of becoming a happier human being, she offered to me to connect with my inner child. I didn't know what to expect. My tears came out immediately after hearing what she found; I didn't know my forgotten past was still affecting my present. I finally realized the missing part was there for healing. I greatly appreciate her advice and the tools she provided to me for starting this journey. 

Gabriela G

 My session with you was exactly what I needed to begin my healing journey. You were so gentle during our session and I truly felt the negative energy and blockage within my chakras leave my body. I left you and cried tears I’ve never cried before, not out of sadness, but out of RELIEF. Relief that it is finally time for my inner child to laugh, to feel heard and wanted. Because of you and your help today, my journey has officially began. My soul, my energy, the little girl in me, and the future me THANKS you! Sending you all of my love. 🍄 


 I was a little skeptical at first about getting a reading, but i have always been into mindfulness and tuning into synchronicities in the world. Katie did a past, present, and future reading. The past and present were insightful but also seemed general and could apply to many. But then we came into the future and i was shocked. It was like she knew everything that had gone on in my life over the previous week. I was offered a position that was going to be life changing but was also happy in my current position. It was invading my every thought and had huge implications for my career and family. Her explanation of my situation was eerily accurate, and I had not even discussed it with anybody at this point. Her guidance helped me look at my decision from a new perspective which ultimately led to me staying put. I recently took a leadership role at my current place of employment and am very happy with how things are turning out. 


 I met Katie at work when I started my new position. I was struggling with depression from a loss of a longstanding friendship that ended abruptly. I also was struggling with addiction to alcohol. For me it was a struggle of self-worth and poor choices. Katie helped me recognize my patterns and the energy of addictions being something that was not me and could be controlled by my acknowledgement of it and learning to control it instead of it controlling me. The support through the process was inspiring, insightful, and transformative. 

Mary P

 We used Katie as our doula and as first time expecting parents, she exceeded all of our expectations! My wish was to have a completely unmedicated birth. She took the time to listen to our birth plan desires and advocated for us every step of the way. With her experience and knowledge, she created a space for me to navigate every stage of my labor with assurance. She embodies such a positive and empowering energy that allowed my mind and body to reach its full potential. Without her, I really don’t think I could’ve achieved having my baby completely unmedicated. It was beautiful experience and I would choose her as my doula over and over again. 

Taylor R
first time mama

 Katie started out as my nursing preceptor but ended up being SO much more than that, she healed a part of my soul that I didn’t know needed healing. When I first met her, I was a nursing student so it’s common to struggle with sleep BUT I was struggling with it for far more troubles than studying too late. I had just recently lost my grandmother who was my whole world, my guide in life, my everything. Katie helped me reconnect with her presence one morning and it allowed me to reconnect and accept her passing. I have been more in tune with myself since I met Katie and I miss her dearly! I highly recommend ANYONE who is battling the battles within to meet with her!!! 

Tina K.

 I had Katie as my labor/delivery nurse during the birth of our 11th baby back in 2022. I had planned on having a birthing center birth but after getting Covid at 39 weeks and still feeling worn down from that, having a solid 10 days of prodromal labor and finally a solid day of intense contractions with minimal cervical changes, I had all I could take. I told my husband to take me to the hospital. I wanted an epidural and sleep until the baby arrived. To say he was shocked was an understatement. I hate hospitals and love everything about a natural unmedicated birth. He finally realized I was serious and off to the hospital we went. Even though I made that decision, I was still very apprehensive. When we arrived to the hospital, I can only imagine what the staff must have thought. Here I was pregnant and in labor with my 11th baby, having what felt like transition type contractions but had hardly any cervical changes and no paperwork from my midwife to show record of my prenatal care. I was a wreck of emotions and fear. This is where Katie stepped into the picture. She walked into my room with such a sweet and genuine smile. She made me feel seen and heard, safe and comfortable. She didn’t belittle me like I experienced with other nurses or pressure me to do anything I didn’t feel comfortable with. She advocated for me and my preferences with the doctors and other nurses. Even after our daughter was born, she offered to hold her while I showered and slept for a bit. She was truly such a blessing. I can honestly say that she helped me to heal from previous hospital birth experiences. Even though I didn’t end up having my daughter the way I wanted originally, God’s hand was in it all and he heard my prayers and answered so many of them that day. Many of those answered prayers were through Katie and her care. I will be forever grateful. I am so excited that she is now a doula. She truly does advocate so well. She was so attentive to my needs without me even having to say anything at all. 


 "I had originally wanted an all-natural unmedicated vaginal birth, but things didn't work out the way I had planned. I ended up with a 45 hour labor experience and an emergency cesarean section. Prior to the unplanned c-section, our nurse Katie was an absolutely essential part of our birth experience. Our baby's birth definitely did not go according to plan, and having Katie there to support us was absolutely crucial. She was a calm, gentle presence and was particularly helpful in empowering us to pursue our decision in an unmedicated birth. Her support allowed us to focus on each other and our baby without the fear or stress of dealing with the challenges and surprises that can come with childbirth. She created space for us to process our feelings after the birth and checked up on how we were doing, offering support in so many different ways. Throughout her shift she made us feel listened to and made sure our needs were met so that we could have the labor experience we hoped for. Within our birthing unit, she helped to provide lavender aromatherapy, instruction on counter pressure and massage techniques, provided a hair comb for pain management, and assisted with my laboring in the tub. She encouraged my support person in a way that empowered him to be fully involved in the labor process. I'm so grateful that we had Katie with us. We could not recommend her more whole-heartedly as your Doula. She is a skilled, supportive nurse who helped us tremendously through the unpredictable journey of birth." 

New mama

 Katie was able to see my inner child and speak with her in a very nonintrusive way. I felt calm as she acknowledged my childhood fears and difficulties. Katie is dedicated to healing through her craft. 
